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Become a STRONGER you.
Columbus, Ohio
Become a STRONGER you.
Columbus, Ohio
Become a STRONGER you.
Columbus, Ohio

Bracing For Big Lifts- How To

Learning to create intra-abdominal pressure. This can be best described by that feeling you would get if someone was about to gut punch you. Another way to understand this is by putting on a snug lifting belt and creating pressure into that belt. 

While I cannot feel your brace for you, I can give you some movements to help you feel your brace. 

1) lay on your back and perform some type of hip flexion (bringng legs into body) while pressing low back into the ground

2) standard plank is a great place to start, but you must understand the cue to tuck hips under you and draw your belly button back

3) Any type of loaded carry is great, too. Focus on not letting any the weight swing or sway.

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