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Become a STRONGER you.
Columbus, Ohio

Rest to Lift More: The Powerlifter's Training Secret

Rest to Lift More: The Powerlifter's Training Secret

Discover How Strategic Rest Can Boost Your Strength Gains

Do Powerlifters Actually Workout?

Let's keep this simple...

When we talk about powerlifting, the image that often comes to mind is intense, back-to-back heavy lifting. The golden rule for peak performance is simple: to be the strongest, you must be fully recovered.

This approach might seem counterintuitive, especially in a culture that often equates more = better, but in the world of powerlifting, resting for 3-5 minutes between those grueling sets above 80% of your one-rep max isn't just common; it's optimal. This extended rest is not about laziness—it's about allowing your body the necessary time to recovery. 

For those juggling a tight schedule, this might sound like a luxury, however, what really matters is consistency. If you're aiming to up your lifting game, it might be time to reconsider not just how hard you work, but how well you rest. After all, in the realm of strength sports, sometimes doing less really is doing more.

Rest to Lift More: The Powerlifter's Training Secret


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