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Become a STRONGER you.
Columbus, Ohio

Say Goodbye to Hip Pain: Effective Self-Traction Techniques

Self Traction of the Hip: Improving Day-Day Hip Pain

Improve Your Hip Health with These Easy Traction Tips 🤌

The hip joint is one of the most loaded joints in the whole body. When we stand up, the hip joint is loaded. When we fall without stability it can even be loaded. When we workout the joint is OVERLOADED.

In other words, the muscles surrounding the joint are worked a lot.

If the hip does not have time to properly recover before it is loaded again, it can become inflamed and can be painful. Movement is good for an active recovery, but we often neglect movement when it is painful, resulting in stiffness and loss of range of motion. 

When we do traction in physical therapy, we are essentially creating more space for the joint to move without pain. There are many ways people have tried to decrease hip pain, but the most effective strategy is active recovery.

Movement = medicine.

When we are able to move more with traction, we can speed up the recovery process compared to waiting for the pain to go away on its own.

Active stretching before a workout can help decrease hip overload injuries. Static stretching after a workout can maintain mobility and decrease stiffness in the joint. Strengthening the muscles around the hips is also very important, not just squatting.

At Matheny Muscle, you will see the reverse-hyper used in almost every lower body warm-up. It is equally important to focus on the lower body accessory work. You can focus on exercises such as glute bridges (single and double leg), hip abduction, and RDLs.

Remember, our hips are what holds up our entire trunk, so it needs to be STRONG!!

Article written by Student Physical Therapist Jacob 

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