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Columbus, Ohio
Become a STRONGER you.
Columbus, Ohio

Banish Low Back Pain for Good: Hip Flexor Secrets

Eradicate Low Back Pain: The Ultimate Hip Flexor Solution 👍

Say Goodbye to Low Back Pain: The Ultimate Hip Flexor Guide!

In this article:

  • The Hip Flexor Culprit: Discover how tight iliopsoas muscles lead to low back pain by forcing your pelvis into a harmful tilt.
  • Strength Meets Flexibility: Learn the critical balance of loosening your hip flexors while beefing up your hamstrings for ultimate pelvic harmony.
  • Pain-Free Protocol: Embrace a blend of dynamic warmups, targeted stretches, and strengthening exercises designed to bulletproof your lower back.

The majority of the population will experience low back pain at some point throughout life for various reasons. When there is no mechanism of injury, this pain is often due to dysfunctions in the surrounding muscles.

People will often associate this pain with squatting, but in reality the cause is from the hip flexor muscles. Our main hip flexor muscle, called the iliopsoas, attaches to the top part of the pelvis and the top part of the femur. When it is tight, it causes the pelvis to rotate slightly forward, which adds stress to the ligaments and muscles surrounding the spine and pelvis in the back and usually causes discomfort and pain. 

So how do we fix this??

Think about the hip flexors and extensors as a pulley system on the pelvis. If the front side is too tight, the back side must not be strong enough. Our hamstrings are essential to the positioning of the pelvis. Not only do we need to loosen up the hip flexors, but it is equally or more important to strengthen the hamstrings.

To avoid the low back pain, the HAMDAWGS need to be barking!

Here's where to start:

Some of the basic stretches and exercises I demonstrated in the video are a great place to start the journey to a bulletproof lower back. You can do these exercises along with hamstring curls, deadlifts, RDL’s, and forward sled walks.

Do these exercises with a comfortable weight until 12-15 reps become a challenge, then increase as needed. The static hip flexor stretch is important to do AFTER your workout. Before exercising, dynamic warmup is recommended for optimal performance. 

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