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Become a STRONGER you.
Columbus, Ohio
Become a STRONGER you.
Columbus, Ohio
Become a STRONGER you.
Columbus, Ohio

Stay Consistent: How We Move on Non-Lifting Days

Stay Consistent: How We Move on Non-Lifting Days

Keep Moving, Even on Rest Days 💪

Here at Matheny Muscle, we believe in the power of consistency. It doesn't matter what you do, just choose to be consistent first! On our non-lifting days, we still make sure to get moving.

Consistency is key to achieving your fitness goals, and incorporating General Physical Preparedness (GPP) workouts is a great way to stay active and engaged.

Check out our Thursday GPP workout below...


  • 12 Minute Echo Bike (nasal breathing only)
  • 200 Banded Curls
  • 200 Tricep Pushdowns
  • 100 Cable Crunches
  • 200 Stick Twists
  • 100 Reverse Hypers
  • 100 Forearm Curls

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