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Columbus, Ohio
Become a STRONGER you.
Columbus, Ohio
Become a STRONGER you.
Columbus, Ohio

Want to Grow Your Chest More?

Big pecs, big paychecks, right?

Your time is best spent on prioritizing incline and fly movements in order to grow your chest. While performing the incline press allow the 'touch point' (where the DBs or Barbell touches) to be right below the collar bone. This point of contact will allow for a very deep stretch (range of motion) on the pec major. You must tuck your elbow in to avoid shoulder injuries.

The other movement you should focus on- Chest Flys. Generally, if I start with an incline pressing movement I will go into a flat fly in order to train my entire pec at varying angles. Keep the weight on the lighter side and really feel your chest stretch open.

Your pecs are not very large muscles. They probably need less than you think. Focus on the contraction and really feeling the muscle fatigue in order for it to grow.

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