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Columbus, Ohio
Become a STRONGER you.
Columbus, Ohio
Become a STRONGER you.
Columbus, Ohio

More Muscle & More Growth by Using Dropsets in Your Training

What are dropsets?

Dropsets are a highly effective and advanced training technique employed in the gym to push muscles to their limits and to stimulate additional growth.

The concept involves performing an exercise until muscle failure, then immediately reducing the weight and continuing the set without rest.

This method induces a higher level of muscle fatigue, recruiting different muscle fibers and promoting greater metabolic stress. By pushing beyond the point of traditional failure, dropsets enhance muscle endurance and trigger a significant release of growth-promoting hormones.

More Muscle & More Growth by Using Dropsets in Your Training

How to do dropsets

Choose a weight that is challenging for you in the 8-10 rep range. After completing the first set for 8-10 reps, go right into your 'dropset' of 8-10 more reps with a slightly lighter weight!

  1. Starting weight: Begin with a weight that allows you to perform around 8-10 reps with good form. Let's say you start with 25-pound dumbbells.

  2. Perform the set: Do your bicep curls until you reach muscle failure, meaning you can't complete another repetition with proper form.

  3. Drop the weight: Immediately after reaching failure, grab a lighter set of dumbbells—let's say 15 pounds—without taking any rest.

  4. Continue the set: With the lighter weights, continue performing bicep curls until reaching failure again.

  5. Repeat if desired: If you want to push yourself further, you can repeat this process, dropping to even lighter weights and continuing until you've fatigued your muscles thoroughly.

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