Want to Grow Your Chest More?

Big pecs, big paychecks, right? Your time is best spent on prioritizing incline and fly movements in order to grow your chest. While performing the incline press allow the 'touch...

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2 Warmup Moves For Your Next Bench Press Day

At Matheny Muscle House we believe an important aspect to your training is to include unilateral movements. This will help with balance, coordination and working towards a symmetrical physique.  ...

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Unleash Your Inner Athlete on Dynamic Effort Training Day at Matheny Muscle House

Why dynamic effort training? At Matheny Muscle House we believe the movements we perform inside the gym should help us outside the gym. We don't expect you to be an...

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Essential Dynamic Warm-Up Moves for Shoulder and Elbow Health

Why do we warm up? Zach, Noah, and Jake at Matheny Muscle incorporate some starter movements in every training session. Many people exclude this from their programs and it can...

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More Muscle & More Growth by Using Dropsets in Your Training

What are dropsets? Dropsets are a highly effective and advanced training technique employed in the gym to push muscles to their limits and to stimulate additional growth. The concept involves...

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Matheny Muscle House - A Private Training Experience Like No Other

Private personal training studio > Crowded public gym Choosing a private personal training studio like Matheny Muscle House over a crowded public gym offers a fitness experience that is tailored...

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3 of My Favorite Low Back, Glute and Hip Stretches to Get Ready for Compound Movements

Below are some of my favorite dynamic (before workout!) stretches I have been adding in to get me ready for the compound lifts. 1. Seated Good Mornings - Elevate the...

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Strong Hips = Healthy Knees by Jacob Culbertson

by Jacob Culbertson@jculbertson7 EP.1 // Hip strengthening to prevent knee injury Strong hips = healthy knees After a knee injury, you will often see hip strengthening exercises done during the initial...

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